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What's the secret of the ranking of points in European Cup group matches? Why did England avoid France?

  • Published on: March 5, 2024
  • 104 Reading

CCTV5 Program List March 5, 2024 - The points ranking of the European Cup group matches is always full of tactics and strategies, and every team is working hard for the best place to qualify. Under such circumstances, the English team seems to have deliberately avoided the direct confrontation with the French team, which has complex considerations behind it. first

CCTV5 Program List March 5, 2024 - The points ranking of the European Cup group matches is always full of tactics and strategies, and every team is working hard for the best place to qualify. Under such circumstances, the English team seems to have deliberately avoided the direct confrontation with the French team, which has complex considerations behind it.

First of all, as a strong opponent, the French team has world-class players and profound experience in major competitions. The English team avoids France in the group stage, which can strive for more favorable conditions for its own promotion.

team integral Number of goals Number of goals conceded
England seven eight two
France nine eleven four

In addition, according to the competition system of the European Cup, the points ranking of the group matches will also affect the match situation of the knockout rounds. If England can qualify as second in the group, they may avoid some stronger teams, so that they can have a smoother way to qualify in the knockout stages.

Of course, such a strategy also has its risks, because football matches are always full of uncertainty, and over calculation may lose its due competitive state. However, from the tactical point of view, the choice of the England team seems to be wise. They need to strive for the most favorable conditions for themselves while maintaining their competitive state.

CCTV5 program list will continue to bring you the latest report of the European Cup. Please pay attention.

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