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Pre season CBA of the 23-24 season: Liaoning vs Tongxi on October 13 (the defending champion of Liaoning made his debut, Tongxi fought back with determination, and the CBA pre-season was full of surprises)

  • Release time: October 15, 2023
  • 326 Reading

On October 13, the defending champion of Liaoning vs Tongxi Liaoning made his debut in the pre-season CBA of the 23-24 season. Tongxi made a determined counter attack. The surprise of the pre-season CBA continued on October 13. The pre-season CBA of the 23-24 season ushered in a high-profile contest. Liaoning team played against Tongxi team. As the defending champion, Liaoning Team's debut is highly expected, while Tongxi Team hopes to show its strength through this game to achieve an inspirational counter attack. In the atmosphere of pre-season, there are many surprises. Liaoning Team, as the champion of last season, received much attention.

23-24 CBA preseason October 13 Liaoning vs Tongxi

The defending champion of Liaoning made his debut with Sunrise's inspirational counter attack, and the CBA preseason was full of surprises

On October 13, the pre season CBA match of the 23-24 season ushered in a high-profile contest. Liaoning team played against Tongxi team. As the defending champion, Liaoning Team's debut is highly expected, while Tongxi Team hopes to show its strength through this game to achieve an inspirational counter attack. In the atmosphere of pre-season, there are many surprises.

 Pre season CBA of the 23-24 season: Liaoning vs Tongxi on October 13 (the defending champion of Liaoning made his debut, Tongxi fought back with determination, and the CBA pre-season was full of surprises)

Liaoning Team, as the champion of last season, received much attention. They have made a series of adjustments and reinforcements during the off-season to keep strong in the new season. In this pre-season match, Liaoning team sent out a full main team, showing their strength and champion style.

After the game started, the Liaoning team showed their dominance. They showed efficient cooperation and excellent personal ability on the offensive side, which once opened the score. On the defensive side, they kept a close eye on the core players of the same team, limiting their scoring. The strength of Liaoning Team is impressive, and their road to defending the championship seems bright.

However, Tongxi Team was not willing to be completely suppressed by Liaoning Team. They showed tenacious fighting spirit and unyielding spirit in the competition. Although they were obviously inferior to Liaoning Team in strength, they fought back again and again with the spirit of teamwork and hard work. They looked for opportunities on the offensive side, seized the mistakes of Liaoning Team, and constantly narrowed the score gap.

At the last moment of the game, Tongxi Team showed an amazing ability of counter attack. They scored consecutively in the last few minutes, equalling the score. The atmosphere on the court reached a climax, and the audience applauded the performance of Tongxi Team. Tongxi team's inspirational counter attack made people see their potential and strength.

 Pre season CBA of the 23-24 season: Liaoning vs Tongxi on October 13 (the defending champion of Liaoning made his debut, Tongxi fought back with determination, and the CBA pre-season was full of surprises)

Finally, the game ended with a fierce overtime match. Liaoning team showed their strength again in extra time, and finally won by a slight advantage. Although the team lost the game, their performance won the respect and applause of the audience.

This game was not only the first show of Liaoning team's defending champion, but also the inspirational counter attack of Tongxi team. The performance of both teams is impressive, and they have shown tenacious fighting spirit and team spirit. The whole CBA preseason is full of surprises and passion.

The 23-24 season CBA pre-season match Liaoning vs Tongxi on October 13, the defending champion of Liaoning made his debut, and Tongxi made a determined counter attack. The CBA pre-season match was full of surprises. This game is not only a sports event, but also a spiritual contest. Both the strength of Liaoning Team and the fighting spirit of Tongxi Team have deeply touched us.


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