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Can Qingdao Team challenge the rule of Shanghai Team? Analysis on October 13 of CBA preseason in 2023-2024 season

  • Release time: October 15, 2023
  • 361 Reading

Can Qingdao Team challenge the rule of Shanghai Team? On October 13, 2023-2024 CBA preseason analysis October 13, 2023-2024 CBA preseason will usher in a high-profile game, Qingdao team will play against Shanghai team. This game is not only a confrontation between the two teams, but also a test of the dominance of the Shanghai team. Can Qingdao Team challenge the rule of Shanghai Team? Let's analyze the highlights of this game. Shanghai Team is the dominant team in the CBA league, and has maintained a strong position for many years.

Can Qingdao Team challenge the rule of Shanghai Team? Analysis on October 13 of CBA preseason in 2023-2024 season

On October 13, the 2023-2024 CBA preseason will usher in a high-profile game, Qingdao team will play against Shanghai team. This game is not only a confrontation between the two teams, but also a test of the dominance of the Shanghai team. Can Qingdao Team challenge the rule of Shanghai Team? Let's analyze the highlights of this game.

Rule of Shanghai Team

Shanghai Team is a powerful team in the CBA League and has maintained a strong position for many years. They have a strong team. With excellent players and excellent tactics, they have always played a leading role in the league. Whether on the offensive end or on the defensive end, the Shanghai team has shown excellent strength and dominance.

Last season, the Shanghai team achieved excellent results in the CBA league, reached the playoffs and reached the finals all the way. With their strong strength and teamwork, they defeated their opponents in the final and successfully won the championship trophy. This series of victories made the dominance of the Shanghai team more obvious, and other teams were full of awe for them.

 Can Qingdao Team challenge the rule of Shanghai Team? Analysis on October 13 of CBA preseason in 2023-2024 season

The Rise of Qingdao Team

Compared with the Shanghai team, the Qingdao team has not had many highlights in the past few seasons. They have always been in the middle and lower reaches, and have not made remarkable achievements. However, in recent seasons, the Qingdao team has gradually shown a rising trend.

The Qingdao team has reorganized in recent seasons, introduced a group of excellent players, and strengthened the team's training and tactical system. These changes have gradually produced results. The Qingdao team achieved good results in the league last season and entered the playoffs. Although they failed to reach the final, this achievement has shown the potential of Qingdao Team.

Game highlights

This game will be a competition of strength. There is no doubt about the strength of the Shanghai team as a powerful team. The Qingdao team is a rising team, and they hope to prove their strength through this game.

First, we can focus on the core players of both teams. Shanghai team has a group of excellent players whose performance will directly affect the overall strength of the team. The Qingdao team needs to rely on their core players to play well in order to compete with the Shanghai team.

Secondly, the tactical system of the two teams is also one of the highlights of the game. The Shanghai team has always had an excellent tactical arrangement, and their cooperation is highly tacit. In recent seasons, the Qingdao team has also strengthened tactical training, and they hope to play against the Shanghai team through tactical play.

Finally, the outcome of the game will also become the focus of attention. If the Qingdao team can defeat the Shanghai team, it will mean that they are gradually rising and are expected to challenge the dominance of the Shanghai team. If the Shanghai team can win, it will once again prove their strength and dominance.


This game will be a closely watched match, not only between the two teams, but also a test of the dominance of the Shanghai team. Can Qingdao Team challenge the rule of Shanghai Team? Let's wait and see for the wonderful performance of this game.

 Can Qingdao Team challenge the rule of Shanghai Team? Analysis on October 13 of CBA preseason in 2023-2024 season


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