90' Goal! The third goal - Miguiz (Carlos Manusi) -
88' The 13th corner - (Carlos Manusi) -
88' Carlos Mannusi reached seven corners first -
88' The 12th corner - (Carlos Manusi) -
84' The 11th corner - (Carlos Manusi) -
79' Losshankas replacement, Diego Temoche ↑ Abel Kasquet ↓ -
78' The first red card - Rudyard (Los Xiangkas) -
75' The tenth corner, the tenth corner of the game has been produced! -
73' Carlos Manusi, Ossio ↑ Gallardo ↓ -
75' The 9th corner - (Carlos Manusi) -
74' The 8th corner - (Los Shankas) -
74' Losshankas reached five corners first -
72' The 7th corner - (Los Angeles) -
68' The fifth yellow card - Rudyard (Los Xiangkas) -
63' Los Champas replacement, Mejia ↑ Diego Calabano ↓ -
63' Los Champas replacement, Manzaneda ↑ Alan Murado ↓ -
57' The fourth yellow card - Miguiz (Carlos Manusi) -
50' Goal! 2nd goal - Rafa Benitez (Carlos Manusi) -
50' The 6th corner - (Carlos Manusi) -
48' Losshankas reached three corners first -
48' The fifth corner - (Los Shankas) -
48' The fourth corner - (Los Shankas) -
46' Carlos Manusi, Fajardo ↑ Hultado ↓ -
46' Los Champas replacement, Alan Murado ↑ Angel Ledesma ↓ -
HT 45' With the referee's whistle, the first half ended. The score is 0-1 -
45' The third corner - (Carlos Manusi) -
45' The second corner - (Los Shankas) -
38' The third yellow card - Rizzo (Carlos Manusi) -
34' Carlos Manusi substitution, Mibera ↑ Olbarasi ↓ -
34' The second yellow card - Lujan (Los Xiangkas) -
32' The first yellow card, the referee showed the first yellow card of the game to Carlos Manusi -
23' Carlos Manusi won the first corner of the game in 23 minutes -
12' Goal! The first goal! The ball is in! Carlos Lopez (Los Xiangkas) took the lead in this game! -
With the referee's whistle, the first half of the game began -
Weather condition of this game: good -
Conditions of the competition site: good -
Hello, everyone. Welcome to the live broadcast of the game. The players are warming up and the game is about to start