FT The game is over! At the end of the game, the final score was 1-1. Thank you for your attention. See you next time! -
129' Goal! Fifth penalty score - (Rome) -
128' Goal! The fourth penalty score - (Feyenoord) -
127' Goal! The fourth penalty score - (Rome) -
126' Missed the third penalty - (Feyenoord) -
126' Missed the third penalty - (Feyenoord) -
125' Goal! Third penalty score - (Rome) -
124' Missed the second penalty - (Feyenoord) -
124' Missed the second penalty - (Rome) -
123' Goal! The first penalty score - (Feyenoord) -
122' Goal! 1st penalty - (Rome) -
120' Feyenoord replacement, Jahanbachsh ↑ Weaver ↓ -
FT 120' The game is over! Extra time score 1-1 -
120' 4th Corner - (Rome) -
107' The second yellow card - (Feyenoord) -
105' Roman substitution, Angelio ↑ Spinazola ↓ -
102' Roman substitution, Baldanz ↑ Dibala ↓ -
102' The first yellow card, the referee showed the first yellow card of the game and gave it to (Rome) -
100' The third corner - (Feyenoord) -
93' 2nd Corner - (Rome) -
93' In the 93rd minute of the game, Rome won the first corner of the game -
90' Roman replacement, Zalefsky ↑ Stefan El Sharavi ↓ -
FT 90' The game is over! With the referee's whistle, the second half ended. The score is 1-1 -
90' The 12th deflection - (Feyenoord) -
90' 7th corner - (Feyenoord) -
90' 3rd offside - (Feyenoord) -
90' The fifth yellow card - Tingbo (Feyenoord) -
85' Roman substitution, Ndika ↑ Llorent ↓ -
78' Feyenoord replacement, Shangtian Qishi ↑ Jimenez ↓ -
73' 2nd offside - (Rome) -
73' 6th Corner - (Rome) -
73' Rome first reached five corners -
71' Roman substitution, O'Yal ↑ Pellegrini ↓ -
70' Feyenoord replacement, Bamint ↑ New Ukop ↓ -
69' The fifth corner - (Feyenoord) -
67' Roman substitution, Chellic ↑ Karsdorp ↓ -
67' 4th Corner - (Rome) -
66' The fourth yellow card - Hancock (Feyenoord) -
64' 1st offside - (Rome) -
59' Feyenoord replacement, Zerokee ↑ Stens ↓ -
59' Feyenoord replacement, Ivanoshetz ↑ sent repair ↓ -
51' The 11th deflection - (Rome) -
51' Rome reached three corners first -
51' The third corner - (Rome) -
HT 45' With the referee's whistle, the first half ended. The score is 1-1 -
44' 2nd Corner - (Rome) -
37' The 9th deflection - (Rome) -
34' 7th deflection - (Rome) -
27' The third yellow card - Gilluda (Feyenoord) -
26' The second yellow card - Leondro Paredes (Rome) -
22' The 6th deflection - (Rome) -
21' The 5th deflection - (Rome) -
18' The fourth deflection - (Feyenoord) -
17' The first yellow card, the referee showed the first yellow card of the game to Rome -
15' Roman assists, Stefan El Sharavi -
15' The fourth shooting point - (Rome) -
15' Goal! The second goal - Pellegrini (Rome) - shot -
12' The third shooting point - (Feyenoord) -
10' The third deflection - (Rome) -
10' The second shooting point - (Rome) -
10' The second deflection - (Rome) -
10' Rome won the first corner of the game in the 10th minute -
8' The 10th deflection - (Rome) -
8' The first deflection - (Rome) -
5' The first shot right - (Feyenoord) -
5' Goal! The first goal! Goooooooal! Jimenez (Feyenoord) scored the first goal of the game! -
With the referee's whistle, the first half of the game began -
Weather condition of this game: good -
Conditions of the competition site: good -
Hello, everyone. Welcome to the live broadcast of the game. The players are warming up and the game is about to start