FT The game is over! At the end of the game, the final score was 3-3. Thank you for your attention. See you next time! -
90' 8th offside - (Las Palmas) -
FT 90' The game is over! With the referee's whistle, the second half is over. The score is 3-3 -
90' 8th corner - (Las Palmas) -
90' 19th deflection - (Getafe) -
89' Hetafi replacement, Angelelli ↑ Mata ↓ -
90' The 18th deflection - (Getafe) -
90' 7th Corner - (Getafe) -
86' The 17th deflection - (Las Palmas) -
85' Las Palmas substitution, Cardona ↑ Sandro Ramirez ↓ -
85' Las Palmas replacement, Ramirez ↑ Munir ↓ -
85' The 16th deflection - (Las Palmas) -
84' The 15th deflection - (Las Palmas) -
84' 6th Corner - (Las Palmas) -
83' The 14th deflection - (Getafe) -
82' The fifth corner - (Las Palmas) -
77' Getafe replacement, Latasa ↑ Mayoral ↓ -
72' 7th offside - (Las Palmas) -
69' Las Palmas substitution, Loyodice ↑ Mu ñ oz ↓ -
69' The 13th deflection - (Las Palmas) -
67' Getafe replacement, Ó Rodriguez ↑ Moliba ↓ -
67' The fifth yellow card - Mata (Getafe) -
67' The fourth yellow card - Mu ñ oz (Las Palmas) -
66' The 12th deflection - (Las Palmas) -
66' The 10th shooting point - (Las Palmas) -
63' The 13th deflection - (Las Palmas) -
60' The third yellow card - Moriba (Getafe) -
59' Las Palmas substitution, Malvern ↑ Perone ↓ -
59' Las Palmas substitution, Jose Angel Campania ↑ Mauro ↓ -
57' Las Palmas assists, Munoz -
57' The 9th shooting point - (Las Palmas) -
57' 6th offside - (Las Palmas) -
57' Goal! 6th goal - Munir (Las Palmas) - shot -
55' The 10th deflection - (Getafe) -
55' The 4th corner - (Getafe) -
55' Getafe first reached three corners -
53' The 8th shooting point - (Getafe) -
52' The 5th offside - (Getafe) -
51' The 9th deflection - (Getafe) -
50' Las Palmas assists, Malmo -
50' The 7th shooting point - (Las Palmas) -
50' Goal! The fifth goal - Cardona (Las Palmas) - shot -
49' The third corner - (Las Palmas) -
49' The 8th deflection - (Las Palmas) -
48' 4th offside - (Las Palmas) -
48' The third offside - (Getafe) -
47' 2nd offside - (Las Palmas) -
46' Getafe replacement, Iglesias ↑ Carmona ↓ -
HT 45' With the referee's whistle, the first half ended. The score is 3-1 -
45' Getafe assists, Marta -
45' The 6th shooting point - (Getafe) -
45' Goal! 4th goal - Maximovic (Getafe) - header -
43' The second yellow card - Greenwood (Getafe) -
35' Las Palmas assists, Rodriguez -
35' The fifth shot right - (Las Palmas) -
35' Goal! The third goal - Sandro Ramirez (Las Palmas) - shot -
33' The 7th deflection - (Las Palmas) -
31' The fourth shot right - (Las Palmas) -
28' 1st offside - (Las Palmas) -
26' The 6th deflection - (Las Palmas) -
20' The 5th deflection - (Getafe) -
14' Getafe assists, Ricco -
14' The third shooting point - (Getafe) -
14' Goal! The second goal - Greenwood (Getafe) - shot -
11' Getafe assists, Ricco -
11' The second shooting point - (Getafe) -
11' Goal! The first goal! The ball is in! Mata (Getafe shoots) takes the lead in this game! -
11' The second corner - (Getafe) -
9' The fourth deflection - (Getafe) -
7' The first yellow card. The referee showed the first yellow card of the game and gave it to Getafe -
3' The third deflection - (Getafe) -
3' The second deflection - (Getafe) -
3' The first shooting point - (Getafe) -
2' In two minutes, Getafe won the first corner of the game -
2' The first deflection - (Getafe) -
With the referee's whistle, the first half of the game began -
Weather condition of this game: good -
Conditions of the competition site: good -
Hello, everyone. Welcome to the live broadcast of the game. The players are warming up and the game is about to start